Buyer Beware: 3 Ways Lead-Gen Companies Are Falling Short, and What To Do Instead With Kirk Lowe (Ep. 428)

Lead gen companies offer a quick and easy product, but are you really getting what you think you’re buying? Does it check all the boxes if you look a little closer? 

Their easy-button solution is tempting, but you’re paying for their system and their audience, when you should be building your own. 

In this episode, Matt Halloran is joined by ProudMouth co-founder and business partner, Kirk Lowe, to discuss the illusion of diligence that most lead-gen companies are selling. They walk you through a better system for laying a strong foundation, finding your fans, and building marketing equity for your business that continues to grow year after year.   

Matt & Kirk discuss:

  • Why you never actually own the audience that lead-gen companies provide you, and why it’s crucial that you do
  • How leveraging other people’s content may get you attention, but rarely if ever engagement with the right people
  • The importance of building marketing equity with your own original content, and how to best do that
  • Why objective measurements and metrics are nice, but it’s the unquantifiable aspects that set us apart
  • How momentum and equity should define your marketing goals
  • And more

[Lead gen] is a very small subsection of marketing. It absolutely has a place. I don’t think this is where advisors should put most of their eggs, though.” ~Kirk Lowe


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About Kirk Lowe:

After decades spent helping build and market successful financial services brands, Kirk recognized the increasing role and importance of influence in the rapidly expanding Expertise Economy. Successful financial advisors harnessing the power of podcasting, video, social media and progressively building their influence were attracting clients rather than having to chase them.

Kirk’s ‘ah-ha’ moment—that influence is essential for professional experts—led to his co-founding of ProudMouth, an influence accelerator dedicated entirely to liberating financial experts and advisors from the tyranny of sales by giving them the means and methods to become recognized, in-demand authorities.

Access everything you need to establish yourself as a respected authority in your field. From creating effective content and building a podcast to crafting engaging social media, our resources and expert support will equip you to grow your influence and drive real business growth.