Imagine what your business would be like if you didn’t have to chase prospects. 


We free your business from the torment of sales by amplifying your influence over a growing audience of magnetically attracted fans who’ll chase you down instead. That’s the Influence Accelerator System.

"Content Marketing is the only marketing left"
- Seth Godin

Are you tired of chasing prospects?
Influence is the answer. 

Influence marketing breeds fans so you don’t have to sell to or chase prospects (skeptics).

In 2008, Seth Godin stated, “Content marketing is the only marketing left.” Content is how you achieve influence. But most businesses fail at creating expert content and then deploying it effectively to gain the attention and trust they need.

Imagine what your business would be like if you didn’t have to chase prospects. 

We free your business from the torment of sales by amplifying your influence over a growing audience of magnetically attracted fans who’ll chase you down instead. 

  • We PRODUCE your podcast, which establishes your expertise and credibility.
  • We PUBLISH your content to recognizable communities.  
  • We MULTIPLY your podcasts into snippets with social media copy. 
  • We SHARE  your content on multiple social media platforms. 
  • We BOOST engagement and awareness of your content and expand your audience.

Stop the sales cycle insanity!

Start influencing today!

Podcast Production

You walk to the mic, record your podcast, drop the mic, and we do everything else. We coach you, supply equipment, give you a co-host, edit the audio, and provide you with a transcript and summary. You get the rock star treatment!


We’ve reverse-engineered what the biggest influencers do. We start with multiplying your podcast into multi-media snippets: identifying key talking points and turning them into shareable social media posts.

Podcast Distribution

You know all too well that it’s never “build it and they will come.” That's why we proactively share your podcast and multi-media snippets to numerous communities and across platforms to scale awareness and credibility.


We go beyond the audience you can reach organically by boosting your snippets and creating more hype and traffic. We’re constantly refining what works for you and your audience.


Podcast Episodes Produced
Social Media Posts Published

Our influence accelerator system

Produce & Publish


Influencer in 8-10 years

Produce, Multiply & Share


Influencer in 2-3 years

Multiply & Share


Influencer in 4-7 years

Produce & Publish


Influencer in 8-10 years

Multiply & Share


Influencer in 4-7 years

Influence Accelerator System


Influencer in 2-3 years

Frequently asked questions

An inherently intimate medium, podcasts foster relationship-building in a way that no other medium can. When you have a podcast, your ideal prospects can plug into your expertise 24/7, and they can do it hands-free. Podcasts give you an unmatched opportunity to speak to your prospects at their busiest moments: while driving, cleaning, cooking, exercising –– the list goes on. You’re giving them complete access to your expertise on their own terms, rather than interrupting them or demanding their undivided attention. 

What podcasting gives experts: 

1) Instant, deep credibility that resonates with your ideal prospects

2) Top-of-mind awareness without interrupting your prospects

3) More referrals from clients, prospects, and centers-of-Influence 

4) Significantly increases your search engine results with original content 

5) Expansion of your digital network, even while you sleep

6) Enhanced focus on what you do best and how you create value 

7) Attracts clients who you enjoy working with most 

8) Positions you as the trusted expert 

9) Significantly increases the synergy of your marketing to enhance your ROE (return on effort)  

10) It’s fun

Here’s a great article on the power of podcasting.

Our focus is on helping experts by freeing them from the torment of sales and having to chase prospects. We work with a wide range of subject matter experts who know what they do, how to do it, and what problems they solve for their audience. So yes, any professional or business can use our system.

We started our podcasting service in January of 2017 under the Top Advisor Marketing name. We’ve since re-branded our company to expand our horizon to help all types of experts and companies pursue the power of influence and content marketing. 

The best marketing has two common threads: 1) It’s focused on momentum over the mid-to-long-term, and 2) it’s synergistic. 

If you want to become known as a subject matter authority, you need to do more than produce subject matter expertise –– you need to repurpose content, share it, and get it in front of your ideal audience often and consistently. We call it “scaling your credibility.”

We recommend our full system because, using the strategy mentioned above, it positions you to become a subject matter authority (i.e., influencer) in 2-3 years versus the 8-10 it typically takes.

3-4 hours per month, which includes the time you will spend recording your podcasts and reviewing the social media posts we create for you. 

You save 80+ hours of work per month, which our team takes off your plate to implement the system on your behalf. This includes expertise across 11 unique skill sets.

What Our Influencers Are Saying

Access everything you need to establish yourself as a respected authority in your field. From creating effective content and building a podcast to crafting engaging social media, our resources and expert support will equip you to grow your influence and drive real business growth.