Advisor Marketing Plan Template

Your Advisor Marketing Plan Template

If this year is all about focus and results, then a marketing plan is a must. Having worked with financial advisors for over 16 years now, I know just how compelling a written advisor marketing plan can be. Sure, everyone has an idea of what they’d like to improve upon. You’re likely reminded of it every day as thoughts of “what you need to do to achieve more success” race through your mind. If you’re anything like me, these thoughts can be tiring, if not consuming. This obsession with “what do I need to do” can actually slow you down, or at least it did for me.

There’s a certain magic that happens when you take time to articulate your goals, strategies and tactics. It’s not rocket science. When you put your thoughts on paper you release your mind from trying to balance everything in your head and remembering what to do, when to do it and why you want to do it in the first place. Equally important is the impact your advisor marketing plan has on keeping you from activities and tactics that do not help you move towards you goals. For many advisors I’ve worked with over the years, chasing shiny objects can be a powerful distraction.

Some Advisor Marketing Plan Research to Help

I decided to do a little research on helping find a marketing plan template for financial advisors. There is a ton of information out there and here are a couple of the best I could find. They are both solid with advice but unfortunately they all fall a little short since there is nothing to help you actually build your concise and compelling marketing plan.

Marketing Plan Template for Financial Advisors

Seeing how little information there is out there to help financial advisors build a simple and compelling marketing plan, I decided to take matters into my own hands and build a marketing plan template for advisors. I’d also like to mention that I’ve worked closely with some of the top business coaches who work with financial professionals. I’ve assisted many business coaches in drafting concise business plans for advisors. There’s years of research and hands on experience that went into building a formula that works. I hope you find it extremely helpful. Feel free to provide comments and feedback.  I’d love to hear from you.

A concise advisor marketing plan should include:

  • Areas of Focus (overarching goals)
  • Goals & Objectives (measurable goals and objectives)
  • Plan Accountability (who owns the plan, how will success be measured)
  • Marketing Stance (who is your ideal client and what’s your story)
  • Projects & Action Steps (who does what, by when)

Here are some success tips completing the plan:

  • Take your time don’t simply gloss over it
  • Seek outside council – lots of it
  • Share it with your team (more council)

Don’t rush into implementation until you’ve completed it or you will risk just “doing” versus “doing what’s needed”

Marketing Plan For Financial Advisors

Financial Advisor Marketing Plan Template (Business Plan)

Your financial advisor marketing plan template is available with all our resources at Financial Marketing University.

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The best marketing plan in the world will add nothing to your bottom line unless it is executed properly.

The plan needs to outline:

  • What needs to get done
  • Who will do it
  • When it will get done by

Make this you best year yet! Start with a written marketing plan.

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