The 4-Step Advisor Marketing Blueprint

Financial Advisory firms can use a formula to move prospects along the sales path: from suspect to lead to client.   This isn’t a magic bullet but it is straightforward and simple.  It takes discipline and dedication but once the formula is engrained, the rewards can be huge.

Although “Attracting” clients is the first step, there is no point doing that until you have the foundation in place to follow through with the other 3 steps.   There is no point having lots of visitors unless you have the process and tools in place ahead of time to convert them to clients.

To “intrigue” is to have a compelling story, compelling in that it speaks to your focus and strengths as an advisor and compelling in that it resonates with your ideal audience. You create intrigue with a great story – what should ultimately become your brand.
Engaging” is all about making sure you make it easy for prospects to take that first initial step with you.
Once your prospect has taken that first step, you must be ready to “Influence” them positively towards conversion.
There are many tactics that help define the details of your blueprint. Watch the video for some ideas.

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