Now I want to give you something special: a free 1:1 consultation! With me
But it’s NOT for everyone. What I mean by that is…
If you’re looking for marketing “hacks,” cookie-cutter techniques, and super fast ROI, this isn’t for you. You won’t find this consultation valuable at all.
If, instead, you want to use your expertise (and your “you-ness”) to build relationships with prospects — you will probably like this consult.
By the time we’re finished talking, you will have a clear understanding of whether podcasting is right for you (and your business).
And whether you’re ready to start.
P.S. I’m only booking with the first 50 people who register!
Again, this is only for the first 50 people who register.
And totally complimentary because you took the assessment!
Gain access to our deep vault of resources to help you become a subject matter authority. Learn how to create and implement effective content marketing, click-worthy social media, your own podcast, and much more.
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