Ready to get your story out
into the marketplace?

Podcasting 101:
How To Start Your Own Podcast
[Free Course]

Want to get your story into a medium that people want to listen to  and that most advisors are already doing?

Then it’s time to start your own podcast.

You don’t need a lot of experience to start one. You just need the right guidance, which we’re giving you in our course Podcasting 101: How To Start Your Own Podcast.

To claim your course, join PodRocket Academy’s Beginner level for free.

Some tips included in Podcasting 101: How To Start Your Own Podcast...
  • The exact goals to set if you want your podcast to turn listeners into clients
  • The biggest mistake that causes even the best podcasters to fail
  • How to name your podcast right, so you attract the right crowd
  • The easy approach that works almost every time when inviting guests on your show
  • A guide (that anyone can use) to plan a year of episodes

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