MarketCounsel Summit Series: Breaking Away with Todd Thomson

Like spring birds leaving the nest, many advisors will go out on their own over their professional lifetime.  And when it’s time to step away and create your own company, there can be a myriad of concerns you just hadn’t thought of before.

Joining Matt in Vegas is the chairman of Dynasty Financial Partners, Todd Thomson, to discuss the advantages of finding a wealth management and technology provider when you break away from a previous firm.

Dynasty is an integrated service provider for independent RIAs who are in need of some support to become more profitable. With several years of experience, Todd and his team understand the complexities that come with setting up your own firm, from which custodian you want to work with, to the technology you need to provide the best service.

If you’re ready to break out on your own, be sure to listen with Todd and Matt to hear about some very important decisions you’ll need to be making!

Links: Todd Thomson LinkedIn | Dynasty Financial Partners | MarketCounsel Summit


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