Episode 88 – Should you be a Thought Leader?

How often do you encourter the words thought-leader in your daily consumption of content. As you might have guessed, it is a truisim that thought leaders tend to be the most successful individuals or firms in their respective fields.  However, thought leadership can be so much more than that. Today, Kirk and Matt discuss if you have what it takes to become a thought leader. At Top Advisor Marketing, being a thought leader goes beyond the basic definition. It’s not a pedigree. It isn’t where you went to school. Thought leadership means you provide the best and deepest answers to your customer’s biggest questions in the format your audience likes best. If you’re ready to task yourself with becoming a thought leader, listen in today to find out how you can use what you know and who you know to take your expertise to the next level.

RESOURCES: Russ Alan Prince and Bruce Rogers – ContributorBlog Post: What is a Thought Leader?

Michael Brenner Article: What Is Thought Leadership? And When You Should Use It?

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