Episode 203 – Going All-In With Online Millennial Entrepreneurs — With Danielle Granger Nava and Dustin Granger

Would you ever be so bold as to switch your niche?

In this episode, Matt speaks with a financial planning brother-sister duo, Danielle Granger Nava and Dustin Granger, about their pivotal decision to start targeting online millennial entrepreneurs. Having made a clean break from the traditional advisor path, Danielle and Dustin share their perspective on playing the long-game and how they’re winning over this growing market.

In this episode, you will learn:

About Danielle and Dustin’s journey to creating Toujours Planning Wealth Management
Why they’ve chosen to serve online millennial entrepreneurs — what about the big fish?
How Danielle and Dustin decide on podcast topics
What they’ve done to make their website appealing to millennials
Why niche marketing is a long game, not a sprint
And more!

Tune in now and become inspired to go all-in with your dream niche!

Resources:  Top Advisor Marketing | Toujours Planning Wealth Management | Email | Worth It Podcast | Worth It Podcast on Instagram

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