Ep 181 — How to ask for Referrals without Begging — Referrals Mini-Series Part 2

Today, Referral Coach International founder Bill Cates is back for part two of our three-part mini-series on making your practice a referral magnet.

There are 3 types of people when it comes to getting referrals. Some will give you referrals right on the spot, some won’t do it when you ask, but will when they are ready, and some just won’t do it at all. Today, Bill and Matt discuss how to approach asking for referrals, highlighting best practices that will allow you to ask not by begging or pushing, but by being proactive instead.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

The difference between a referral and an introduction
Two ways you can be proactive about getting referrals
The reasons why clients don’t give referrals
How to keep your messaging genuine to you
And so much more!

If you want to grow your company exponentially, listen in now and take notes as Bill takes you through the process of asking for referrals!

Resources: Referral Coach | Coach Cates | Bill Cates Speaking | E-Guide | Referrals Mini-Series Part 1

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