Ep 162 – 7 Podcast Tactics to Grow Your Business

Today Matt and Kirk are back on the mic and switching it up! Kirk is taking over today’s episode, and interviewing your regular host, Matt,  on the 7 podcast tactics to grow your business.

At Top Advisor Marketing, podcasting has been pivotal to the success of the business. Within less than 24 months, we’ve grown from a book balance of zero to our latest evaluation of over a million dollars. As our central hub to business development and growth – Matt and Kirk understand the value of podcasting.

As an time effective and financially efficient solution, podcasting is a great way to get your thought leadership out and heard.

So if you’re curious as to what it takes to create a great podcast and what that can do for your business, be sure to tune in to these seven tactics today!

Links: Your Complete Guide to Starting a Podcast | Join the Micro Influencer Revolution |

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