Yay, You're Here!


You’re probably here because you want to serve a specific clientele. 

You want to see people’s eyes light up when you tell them exactly what they need to hear. 

You want to make an impact.

But…you’re still not sure *who* you want to serve.

Introducing our free course, Creating Your Ideal Client Profile.

Our CEO & branding expert, Kirk Lowe, makes it surprisingly easy to figure out exactly who you want to work with. And even better, how to start attracting them. 

To take this course, become a free Beginner member of the PodRocket Academy.

A Preview of What’s Inside This Course:

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Effortless Podcasting

We take care of production and promotion,
so you can focus on talking to prospects.

Gain access to our deep vault of resources to help you become a subject matter authority. Learn how to create and implement effective content marketing, click-worthy social media, your own podcast, and much more.