10 Advisor Website Makeover Tips (Part 2)


Welcome to Part 2 of our 5 part series on Advisor Website Makeover Solutions.

This post tackles the challenge and solution of having a believable advisor website; one with a clear purpose and depth.

Last week we took a look at the challenges and opportunities with:



Very few financial advisors we’ve worked with come in prepared to discuss the goal or role of their advisor website in detail. A website can be and should be a key driver for your financial business. This might include things like prospecting objectives, client communication or brand awareness. It’s critical to know the role your advisor website will play in your sales, service and marketing process before building.


You need to seriously think through your website’s key performance objectives with questions like:

  • Is your site aimed at getting people to attend your regional workshops?
  • Is your site aimed at influencing social media networks?
  • Is your site aimed at impressing 50+ aged advisors to join your RIA?
  • Is your site integrated with your radio program and or book?
  • Is your site a place you want prospects coming back to time and again?
  • Are you looking to build credibility or are you looking to build your client base?

For a more thorough list of things to think about, download and complete the following exercise:
Website Requirement Analysis at AdvisorU.



Depth is the single most significant deficiency with many financial advisor websites. From the large broker dealers, to the RIA to the independent advisor website, they most often lack proof or evidence they are what they say they are. They offer shallow marketing and copy heavy online brochures. When most consumers look at an RIA website that says, “We are Trusted Advisors”, without clear support for that statement, they think “yeah right”. Financial companies and professionals rarely showcase how they are different; with highly relevant papers or articles, video, clearly articulated investment philosophies, diagrammed planning or investment process, a book, a consistent message throughout, a clear niche, and a clear target audience. Depth builds trust and people need to trust you before considering next steps. The days of standing on a soapbox proclaiming your value and having people believe you are gone. Trust is not achieved by writing, “our clients trust us” on your website.


Too often websites say, “we do this and that” when they should be answering “and this is how we do it, who we do it for, and why we do it”.

Prove you are your brand. Develop content (or outsource the task) to confirm you are your brand. Develop a content strategy first and the associated content second.

Content could come from such things as: webinars, white papers, blog posts, checklists, videos, case studies, photos, infographics, studies, assessments, or awards. If you’re thinking how much work this is going to be, you’re right – it’s a lot of work. If you’re thinking you can just purchase content, you’re half right. People know when it’s yours, or not. Authentic content is easy to spot, even for investors.

Part 3 of this series on the Advisor Website Makeover Tips Series will deal with the challenges of Engagement and Differentiation.

Access everything you need to establish yourself as a respected authority in your field. From creating effective content and building a podcast to crafting engaging social media, our resources and expert support will equip you to grow your influence and drive real business growth.