Olympic Special – The Mindset of an Olympian with Paul Kingsman

Welcome to our Olympic Special Podcast! Matt Halloran is joined again by Olympian Paul Kingsman. In addition to his Olympic success, Paul is a renowned keynote speaker, business coach, and author of The Distraction-Proof Advisor.

In this episode, Paul discusses the mental mindset of Winter Olympic athletes and how you can use the same tools to become an unstoppable financial advisor.

To take your determination and athleticism to the Winter Olympics, you have to put everything on the line every day. When your sport incorporates fast speeds, ice, and blades, it can be do or die.  And, advisors need to start thinking of their business that way. There’s no place for a B game in the financial world.

Paul provides incredible tools and tips for improving your mental strength and focus to turn your business into a game-changer. 


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About Our Guest

Paul Kingsman combines his financial services industry knowledge, his practical experience as a financial advisor (he still works with advisory clients!), and his background as an Olympic medalist to help fellow advisors overcome distractions, complete what matters most, and succeed sooner. As a speaker, author, and executive coach, Paul provides his audiences, readers, and clients with practical solutions to their everyday business challenges. He knows and teaches what works in the real world so advisors can take the actions needed to achieve and enjoy success instead of just talking about “getting there one day.”’

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